The Future of Primary Education | Reitano Design Group

What Role Does Food Play in Today’s Educational Environment?

“The belly rules the mind.” - Spanish Proverb

There is a direct correlation between consuming healthy food and higher test scores. However, it’s not about serving healthier food. It’s about enticing our children to eat healthier. With this in mind, many schools are raising food quality, focusing on operator training, and re-inventing the built environment to transform the food experience for their students. Intentional food cues, proper messaging, hospitable serving and dining spaces, and an appropriate length of time for consumption all lead to healthier students. These students perform better in the classroom, participate at a higher level in

extracurricular activities, and are set on a path for a healthier lifestyle. Reitano Design Group (RDG) has collaborated with school nutrition professionals, key administrators, and architects in programming and designing foodservice spaces in primary and secondary schools across the country over the last two decades. Our passion is built around providing rich human experiences that foodservice spaces have the potential to offer. As customer preferences shift, school leaders have the opportunity to re-assess the role of food in their educational model.

It’s time to ask yourself: What role does food play in your learning environment?


Brownsburg High School, Brownsburg, IN

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