breathe in the information. We, as an industry, have done plenty of “talking” about procurement over the decades – but what progress has been made? Very little. Every year we still gather in groups to “talk” about procurement! This talking has mostly led to creating toolkits which generally results in more talking, to create yet another toolkit… All this “talking” is detrimental to two very important groups. On one hand, we have vendors that are frustrated with antiquated and incomplete bid documents, paying high costs for a constant demand
in samples that don’t result in sales, and districts not buying what was originally on the bid. On the other hand, we see school nutrition directors frustrated with product shortages, substitutions, and incomplete or inaccurate product formula sheets. A LITTLE LESS TALKING AND A LOT MORE ACTION The solution is… Transformational Procurement in school nutrition. But guess what – chain restaurants have been doing it for years! The Urban School Food Alliance decided it was time to jump
Behind the Boost the Roost Initiative through the Urban School Food Alliance (USFA) is a much-needed thought shift in how we talk about and handle procurement. The leadership team and members of the Alliance have coined the phrase, “Transformational Procurement.” And before we talk any-further about the clean-label chicken initiative, we must talk about Transformational Procurement. No, it is not another “toolkit” to adorn your shelf with hopes that you can miraculously
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