Name of Product
Use common language of the industry Example: chicken or corn. When available the Standard of Identify should be used. Describe the product, main ingredients, weight, portion size (raw or pre-cooked), shape, and, in some cases, manufacturer’s name, product code and pack size may be included. If specifying manufac- turer and product code respondents may quote on brand name or pre-approved equal products to insure maximum open competition. Describe the main and secondary ingredients desired in the product in as much detail as possible such as whole chicken breast meat or once frozen pollack. Standards of Identity (SOI) for foods are federal requirements that define what a food product is. SOIs protect consumers by ensuring labels accurately describe the products contained within the package. Grade standards are USDA quality standards and are based on measurable attributes that describe the value and utility of the products. U.S. Grade Standards provide a uniform language for describing the quality and condition for meat, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, and processed fruits and vegetables. More information about quality indicators is available on the USDA website. What is the minimum size of the product? What is the maximum size of the product? What is the desired meal pattern contribution from the product? CN label preference. When creating a specification indicate what ingredients are prohibited in the product such as food additives, artificial colors and flavors, hydrogenated fat, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and assorted allergens. How should the item be packaged, and how big are the cases? Example: 6/#10 cans, or 4/5# loaves, or case not to exceed 25#, Items individually wrapped, 48count, cases not to exceed 30 pounds. What are the nutritional standards for the product? Minimum or maximum nutrient or ingredient requirements or limitations. Example: Product must meet NSLP specific meal pattern requirements, or sodium, or sugar content per serving. How will the SFA team determine which company is offering the best price for an acceptable product? How will the unit price be determined for an acceptable product? Some possible descriptions may include by the case, by the serving size, or per pound.
Main Ingredients
Quality Indicators
Minimum and Maximum Size Pieces Meal Pattern Contribution
Prohibited Ingredients
Case and Pack Weight
Desired or Required Nutritional Standards
Unit on which Award is Made
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