K12 Specification Guide


The goal of good procurement is to obtain the items you want at the best prices in a consistent supply. You begin by defining: • what you want (specifications) • what quantity

• timing of purchases • forecasting volume and sharing that with your partners in the process.



A specification is a concise statement of a set of requirements to be satisfied by a product, material, and/or process. It is important to write a clear specification. The clearer the specification, the more likely you will receive the anticipated product. Specifications are used by school food authorities to identify a specific product in the procurement process and as a key component in the award criteria of the procurement.

Well written clear specifications help the vendor understand exactly what you want so a competitive price can be quoted. 1


A standard is a repeatable, harmonized, agreed and documented way of doing something. Standards contain precise criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule, guideline, or definition. Standards result from collective work by experts in a field and provide a consensus at the time when the standards are developed. Any organization can establish standards for internal or external use. Adherence to standards is voluntary, unless they are a requirement of legislation or regulation, or are incorporated as part of a formal contract. Standards are an important way of protecting consumers. While consumer protection is often visible through government policies or consumer protection organizations, standards create an extra protective environment that lies behind the perception of most consumers.

1-Virginia Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition Programs



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