K12 Specification Guide


Evaluation of Solicitation: Award will be made to the lowest responsible bidder. The lowest responsible bidder will be determined based on an evaluation of the price, products available, delivery timelines and evaluation criteria shown hereafter. Such determination will, of necessity, require judgmental evaluations by district representatives. The decision resulting from the evaluation process as to which product best meets the needs of various programs remains the sole responsibility of [SFA Name] and is final. Example Criteria: Buy American: [SFA Name] require bidders to certify that all products are processed in the U.S. and contains over 51% of its agricultural food component from the U.S. to be in compliance with all requirements regarding “Buy American.”

Evaluation Criteria

Maximum Points to be Awarded


Price per pound and count per case

30 Points 15 Points 15 Points 15 Points 10 Points 5 Points 5 Points

Product Specifications Quality of the products offered


Location and delivery time

Qualifications & Experience

Service history in general and additional qualifications and/or conditions Ability to show STATE of origin on invoice Ability to show FARM of origin on invoice Opportunity for farm tours or farmer classroom visits

Invoice Data

Farm Tours

Geographic Preference Ability to provide products sourced from within the stated geographic preference area

15 Points

Variety Available

Product variety available for distribution. Preference will be provided for a vendor who may provide more than one variety of the product specified

0-5 Points

*weighted points vary by product requested

USDA Produce Safety University Resources: • USDA Professional Standards • Fresh Produce Handling Webinar


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