K12 Specification Guide


Adapted from “Getting Local Foods into New York State Schools.” New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Agriculture Development.

[SFA Name] District Information:

The food service department is currently seeking vendors to supply fresh fruits and vegetables meeting the below listed specifications to implement a focus on locally grown fruits and vegetables in the school cafeteria. Informal Bid Quote Worksheet Product Name: Apples Specifications: • U.S. Fancy / No. 1 • Smooth skin – free of blemishes, bruises, or scars.

• Tenderness and Maturity–not more than an average of five percent in any lot and ten percent in individual containers may be further advanced in maturity than firm ripe. Delivery: • Delivered within [___] hours of harvest • Deliveries may be made to [Desired drop off location] between [___] AM and [___] PM • Other delivery or packaging requirements Qualifications & Experience: • Overview of food safety procedures • Three references • Able to provide farm/facility tour or classroom /cafeteria visit. Variety: Products will meet color and desirable characteristics typical of each variety as listed below: (List of apple varieties available within the district definition of “Local” and a brief description of the desirable characteristics of the variety) Example: • Cortland - Firm, juicy & tender • Braeburn - Skin is thin and seems to disappear in the mouth. The flesh is yellow- green to creamy yellow, breaking and crisp in texture. Geographic Preference: Able to provide produce from within the geographic preference area (list below):

Variety Available

Count Ct/ Case

Packed Price/Case Estimated Quantity

Minimum Delivery

Months Available


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